Lesson series

T201 Normal Pregnancy

No pre-requisite required. This class covers the first half of Holisitc Midwifery Volume 1: Care During Pregnancy by Anne Frye, which is *the* textbook for direct-entry midwives. You will need to buy or borrow the book a couple weeks before class begins. We give the first reading assignment a week before the first lesson. Each weekly lesson will have a reading assignment and a basic midwifery skill to learn and practice. We will have a hands-on skills day sometime in the middle of the class, where you may come in person (Springfield, Missouri, USA) to practice skills. We will choose the in-person skills day to fit as many of our student schedules as possible. You can pass the class without attending the in-person skills day, but it is a lot of fun and we recommend coming if possible. The 11th week we will have an online final exam and video skills checkoff. Anything covered in class or taught in a skill is fair game for the test. Certificate of Completion will be given upon completion of the class. There is a discount of $100 if you will ignore the video references to facebook, like, and heart. One day we will re-record the videos and remove the discount!
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James Mason

When it came time for James to attend school, he was automatically assigned to the public school nearest his home. He attended every school in the New York City public school system, from elementary school through high school graduation. He credits his success in school to the educational opportunities he had in the public school system. In his adult life, James has worked to ensure that other children have the same opportunities he had in school, and has made it his life’s mission to improve the public school system.
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