Lesson series
T251 Pregnancy Complications
PRE-REQUISITE = T201! This class covers the second half of Holisitc Midwifery Volume 1: Care During Pregnancy by Anne Frye. (www.MidwiferyBooks.com if you want to buy direct from the author!). This is *the* textbook for direct-entry midwives. There will be 10 lessons, one each week. Each lesson will have a reading assignment and a basic midwifery skill to learn and practice. There will be an optional in-person skills day, to practice hands-on skills! The 11th week we will have a final exam and hands-on skills checkoff. Anything covered in class or taught in a skill is fair game for the test. Discount of $100 if you will ignore the references to facebook, likes and hearts! I will re-do the videos soon and remove the discount.
Knowledge is Power